It happened after the vacation. Dusan felt severe pain between his shoulder blades and could not move his arms. Beata, Dusan's wife, judged the situation as a possible heart attack and they rushed to the hospital. Dusan was paralyzed lying in the hospital in front of the doctors, but the results regarding his heart were fine... It took a special effort to refer Dusan to neurology, where the cause of why a patient is paralyzed while conscious is determined first and foremost. The MRI examination confirmed the findings on the spinal cord....
Symptoms of spinal cord infarction are: sudden and severe back pain, immediately followed by very rapidly progressing bilateral flaccid limb paralysis and sensory deficits, especially regarding pain and temperature. The diagnosis is made on the basis of an MRI.
Thus, successful entrepreneur Dusan learned his verdict at the age of 58: spinal cord infarction. In technical terms: ischemia of the spinal cord, myelomalacia, ergo spinal cord damage. It was, "There's nothing to do, the condition (paralysis) is irreversible." "I couldn't believe that the spinal cord could also have an infarction. But it happened to me. At that moment, I realized what I didn't want. I love freedom, and I couldn't accept that I would be bedridden or in a wheelchair relying on assistance. I knew I would do something about it, and my athletic soul mobilized." - Dusan says today.
The blood vessels in the spinal cord are very small and fine. In the event of a cerebral infarction, the blood has a chance to find a "path" and supply oxygen to all needed areas. However, the spinal cord is narrow, and a blockage or bursting of one of the vessels can cause a complete interruption of blood supply to other areas. As a result, there can be a complete "shutdown" of the area, similar to a power outage in a city.
Statistics show that spinal cord infarction accounts for about 1% of all cases of circulatory disorders. Physicians rarely encounter this diagnosis, which often makes it difficult to diagnose. However, in the case of an infarction, the speed of first aid plays a very important role. The longer an area suffers from a lack of oxygen, the more cells die in it.
After first aid, elimination of the causes (if possible), drug treatment or surgical restoration or maximum improvement of the circulatory system in the affected area, a recovery phase follows. During recovery, carefully selected, high quality and sufficiently intensive rehabilitation plays the most important role. It must be careful and extremely professional in order to avoid a new infarction.
Dusan completed all of his initial rehab abroad and then remained loyal to the Slovakian ADELI Medical Center .
Despite the rarity of this diagnosis, we encounter it frequently at ADELI Medical Center . The programs at ADELI Medical Center in Piestany are put together taking into account the specific characteristics of the individual patient, their age, related diagnoses, initial condition and even the biological rhythms of activity and rest during the day. These aspects are assessed by leading physicians before rehabilitation begins. Specific goals are set for each rehabilitation course. In achieving these goals, the patient works with a team of 2-3 therapists and up to 10 other professionals who focus on specific areas of expertise during the course. In the following courses, with a recommended break of 2-4 months, the goals are adapted to the current progress.
The first results have also come for Dusan. He was able to move his hands, feed himself independently and this has filled him with hope and convinced him that with a strong will, discipline and, above all, an unwavering desire to walk, he will achieve his goal. He has a great support team: his family, employees in the family business and, after five stays, the team at ADELI Medical Center in Piestany. A carousel of therapies takes place under the direction of his wife, with breaks only possible over the weekend.
Dusan's wife Beata in particular has witnessed a tremendous change over the past 5 years - from times when doctors promised him nothing to now. "I will not let him be discouraged. I admire his zeal. He has always been strong, calm and thoughtful, and because of this personality, I believe that he will manage to be independent in a way that no one predicted," says Mrs. Beata with obvious pride about her husband, with whom she has been together for 41 years. "Today I manage to walk a few steps, I do exercises with light dumbbells, slowly, with the help of crutches I climb stairs," Dušan lists his successes. And another important triumph and inspiration for others: "I go to work," he reveals with a typical smile one of the strong motivating factors.
If you or your relatives, acquaintances or friends have been diagnosed with a spinal cord infarction, you should not postpone the rehabilitation process under any circumstances. If you are interested, please contact ADELI Medical Center and we will discuss possible rehabilitation goals with you. If you would like to write to us, please fill in the contact form and prepare the patient's medical reports. We will get back to you as soon as possible.
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