Haircutting marathon strengthens friendship and hope

9-hour haircutting marathon raises over 3,800 euros for the rehabilitation of premature baby Jerguš Valach.

The ADELI Haircutting Marathon "POWER OF FRIENDSHIP" proved that friendship can heal the wounds of fate. During the 9-hour marathon, they "cut" together a rehabilitation for Jerguš.

"I really enjoy helping, and even if I can only do a small part, I always do it. It was a nice and challenging day and I am glad that I was able to help Jerguš in this way. I am pleased that we can join forces with colleagues and in the form of Wella Professionals!" - hairdresser Barborka Škvarčeková from Bratislava shares her feelings after a working Sunday at ADELI and adds: "The nice thing is that people who are being treated at ADELI also came to us and had their hair cut to help Jerguš with his rehabilitation costs."

For the third time, Piešťany hosted an event that is unparalleled in Slovakia. A group of hairdressers and make-up artists hold scissors, combs, hairdryers and make-up tools in their hands from morning to night, and the pleasant scent of shampoos, hairsprays and sweet lipsticks wafts through the Adeli congress hall. Dozens of beautiful hairstyles are created and styled ladies (and gentlemen too) have their photos taken in front of the ADELI wall. But it's not just about external beauty, it's about the beauty of the soul. Every year, beautiful people combine their friendships for a good cause at the ADELI Haircutting Marathon: a fundraiser for rehabilitation. In 2019, the scissors cut for the soul of the young man Gabriel Rošák after a traffic accident, last season the development of Filip Ficek was supported. This year, the help was again focused on a child, the prematurely born Jerguš Valach. The son of ice hockey player Juraj Valach is a fighter like his father, and the discipline of the grandparents, who have taken on the burden of raising the premature twins with incredible love and commitment, is also admirable.

There is no need to prove that this is an event with a huge wave of goodness. Participant Ivetka Pačaiová wrote on social media: "My feeling from this year of the ADELI Haircutting Marathon is unforgettable, it is a powerful experience of doing something that has a deep meaning. I experienced this incredible energy that came from people's desire to unite and support a good cause... I am proud to have been part of this event for the third time!"

As in previous years, at the end of the strenuous day of the ADELI Haircutting Marathon, the lock was publicly and almost theatrically cut at the donation box! The total exceeded 3800 euros! In addition, Wella Professionals contributed a nice sum of 2000 euros to the good cause. Their ambassador at ADELI, Mrs. Henrieta Ričány, says: "We are aware of the burden that families raising a child with special needs experience. After many charitable activities in the Czech Republic, we decided to help in Slovakia as well. We feel a sincere and real sympathy for the people who have to provide the rehabilitative care that children like Jerguš need from their own resources." And there was also a touching reaction from ice hockey player Juraj Valach: "On behalf of the whole family, I would like to thank you very much for this beautiful gesture that was given to my family," - writes Jerguš' father in a message to all those involved at ADELI. He continues: "Above all, it is a gesture for my severely disabled boy Jerguš, who has a difficult road ahead of him. Thanks to all the good people, the participants of the haircutting marathon and the people who came up with this idea! Thanks to all of you, Jerguš' struggle with this lifelong diagnosis will be a little easier. They deserve great thanks and I believe that these good deeds will pay back to everyone at least once in a lifetime!"

After these wonderful words, we would like to express our thanks to the team at ADELI Medical Center under the leadership of event organizer Claudia Poidock. We would also like to thank all the hairdressers who "toiled" in a marathon-like effort: Lukáš Očenáš from Košice, the idea generator, great inspirer and motivator of the power of friendship, Peter Gašpar from Nitra, Mária Krpelanová from Prievidza, Barbora Škvarčeková, Júlia Sukuba and Erika Gombošová from Bratislava as well as Ingrid Tertinská from Michalovce and Marianna Turíková from the town of Humenné. Many thanks also to Mary Kay, the make-up artists and make-up artists who completed the beautiful cuts with grace and nonchalance!

Jerguš was born in the 25th week of pregnancy and weighed 810 grams. Together with his sister Amálka, they were saved after their mother Simona suffered a cerebral hemorrhage in the 22nd week of pregnancy and died after a three-week fight for life. Jerguš brought with him a serious diagnosis - a quadriparetic form of cerebral palsy with uncontrollable movements, postural disorders and the inability to maintain balance. Jerguš must undergo intensive rehabilitation to learn to turn or sit down, and it is not likely (but not impossible) that he will be able to walk. He needs constant training in grasping with his hands so that one day he will be able to eat or drink independently. He cannot speak and is completely dependent on the help of others. His perception and communication skills need to be constantly developed. Rehabilitation is also necessary to prevent the consequences of his immobility, such as muscle atrophy and deformation of the body and limbs. The whole family concentrates their efforts in an exemplary manner on the care of Amálka, Jerguš's twin sister, and on the maximum development of Jerguš, ensuring his needs, special aids and lifelong therapeutic help.

Anyone wishing to join the relief effort can still do so directly via the Valach family's UGI association and the ADELI Foundation account:

Account number at Tatra Bank: SK72 1100 0000 0029 4201 1730, reason for payment 7777 or directly via this link:

From the donations to the ADELI Foundation account, the amount collected for the rehabilitation of Jerguš Valach will be credited to ADELI from 22.10.2023 until the end of the year.

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